--  a podcast and website dedicated to anecdotal cooking as expressed through my poetry and foodstuff --  a podcast and website dedicated to anecdotal cooking as expressed through my poetry and foodstuff listings.
Twenty-First Century 007: December 11, 2006 [listen]

Not That Love

What is there
To worship in reality
If living by metaphor--Love?

Is not love an
Escape into metaphoric reality
Documented as touchy-feely,
Romanticized drudgery?

Is not Love a
Belief in beliefs
Forsaking believing beliefs,
Believing that giving and receiving
Relieves conflicting beliefs
Sharing for sharing's sake
As in Art--
A devotion.

Is not that Love?

Rude Awakenings

Reality showing
Power over
Acceptance and denial

Pretending persisting
Dominating lies
Absolved making belief

Aspiration to exist
In experience
Essential is
The expectation

Dreamed as absolute
Truth is…

In Cultural Exile

The expedition on hold
The world going flat

Dimension gone
Compass bearing
Global positioning
Shallowing space
Staying in place

In hiding
Flaw guiding
The fear of being left behind
Backwards compatibility
Push/pull preservation
Neither between
Nor periphery

Censory commentary

The Fabl(e/ous)

A nobody's business--
Keeping secrets alive by saving
Incongruities, the lores
That allude clues,
That folly discourse,
That grip realization,
That force life,
That enigmatize
The sworn dream
--subjecting matter to vitality.

Dominion notions--
And now there is the was:
The shock of attention [CLAP],
The shock of the new [BLAM],
The shock of history [POW];
Missive tracts propping poses, posing props;
Leading stories gripping empathy closing friends
--accessing the fabl(e/ous).

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Copyright © 2006 by Edward K. Brown II, All Rights Reserved